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发布日期:2016-01-04 发布人: 点击量:

    Call for application for “Swap and Transfer” mobility (3rd round)



    “Swap and Transfer(简记SAT)”是2013年获准立项的欧盟Eramus Mundus Action 2(简称EM A2)高等教育交流项目,由意大利特兰托大学负责管理执行,皇冠新二手机登录网址是参与该项目的3所中国高校之一。

    SAT项目于2013年9月启动,分三批受理申请,本次是最后一批奖学金申请,提交申请截止日期:2016年1月31日。具体申请名额及要求,详见项目官方网站: 。

    参加SAT项目的欧洲大学共有9所,包括:意大利:特兰托大学(University of Trento, Italy),奥地利:因斯布鲁克大学(University of Innsbruck, Austria),德国:德雷斯顿理工大学(Technical University of Dresden, Germany),西班牙:奥维尔多大学(University of Oviedo, Spain),芬兰:东芬兰大学(University of Eastern Finland, Finland),葡萄牙:米尼奥大学(University of Minho, Portugal)等。





    Call for application for “Swap and Transfer” mobility

    The college of computer science and technology of Jilin University is involved in European project “Swap and Transfer” (funded by European Commission under the programme Erasmus Mundus Action 2 – L12) as an Asia partner.

    “Swap and Transfer” aims at promoting sustainable development, mutual enrichment and better understanding between the involved Countries in Asia and Europe by means of the mobility and the exchange of individuals, knowledge and skills at higher education level so broadening the international visibility and scientific potential of all the parties involved.

    This is the 3rd round call for application. Please see the SAT call at


    You may find more details of project SAT at .